Biel is located in Switzerland and is (a) stronghold of the watch industry. Biel is, without checking, economically the largest location for the industry. Rolex and Omega are here and many other companies. That interests me more. What do you do in Biel as a watch fan? I love going to Maurizio’s, he has a great shop for watch parts. He’s a furniture designer and his shop is worth a few visits. When asked where to go if you only have half an afternoon, the Omega Museum was a clear favourite.

The museum is located opposite the Omega headquarters in Biel in a beautiful old factory building. I think it used to be the old main building? In the entrance, there are wardrobes that seem to be a hundred years old, for hanging up work coats, or so it seems to me.
A Lunar Rover stands right next to the entrance. You ring the bell and go up to the first floor, where you are greeted in a very friendly manner.

The first floor is roughly divided into three sections. One with the history of the creation of Omega and watches up to about 1960. One room with the “more recent” history of Omega and there especially the sporty innovative history of Omega and Seamaster, Railmaster and Speedmaster history, chronometer competitions, Co-axial escapement and much more. There is a room dedicated to pilot watches and one with the latest models. George Clooney with magnifying glass and smock, he also builds watches on his own.

Many thanks to David, who gave us an incredibly great tour! We saw and learned so much that I will write more about it as soon as I get the pictures and notes together.


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